I read the reports out of Haiti & want to cry. It's estimated that 1/3 of the population was killed in the earthquake. The people are in desperate need of foof, water, and medical care.
Here are some ways to help:
Doctors Without Borders: doctorswithoutborders.org
Lutheran World Relief: lwr.org
Mennonite Central Committee: mcc.org
You can also text "Haiti" to 90999 - $10 will be charged on your phone bill & will be given to the Red Cross.
Please consider helping. Even a small donation ($5) can make a huge difference. Many of us spend at least $5 a day on things we really don't need (lunch, coffee, soda, cigarettes, whatever). Imagine if 100,000 people each gave $5 - that would be $500,000.00! Imagine if a million people gave that much!
Thank you. I'll get off my soapbox now (but my heart is still aching for the people in Haiti).
Three On Thursday
14 hours ago